Durante il Campionato mondiale di calcio FIFA 2018TM in Russia gli stranieri ed apolidi potranno entrare nella Federazione Russa e uscire dalla Federazione Russa senza visti per assistere alle partite. Per usufruire di questo regime speciale bisognerà ottenere il Fan Id (“passaporto del tifoso”).

Consulta il promemoria sulla legislazione nell’ambito di migrazione e sulla registrazione degli spettatori stranieri in polizia durante il Campionato mondiale di calcio FIFA 2018TM in Russia. 


Scopri il FAN ID (passaporto del tifoso) in diverse lingue:

Come ottenere il FAN ID in diverse lingue:

Si invita a visualizzare la Promemoria del Servizio Federale della Dogana (disponibile in diverse lingue).

In occasione del Campionato la maggiore compagnia ferroviaria russa RZD ha pubblicato un promemoria per i turisti stranieri che si recheranno in Russia per assistere alle partite e vorranno spostarsi con le ferrovie russe (disponibile in lingua inglese e russa).

Per maggiori informazioni Vi invitiamo a consultare la pagina dedicata sul sito del Consolato della Federazione Russa a Milano, collegandoVi a questo link:



In un comunicato stampa pubblicato in data 16 maggio 2018 da AEB (Association of European Businesses), si segnalano alcune modifiche relative al periodo massimo consentito per effettuare la registrazione dei cittadini stranieri che si recheranno in Russia tra il 25 maggio ed il 25 luglio 2018, così come previsto dal Decreto del Presidente della Federazione Russa n. 214 emesso in data 12 maggio 2018.

Nel testo del comunicato si legge che “per tutti i cittadini stranieri che si recheranno nelle città di Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Mosca, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov sul Don, Samara, San Pietroburgo, Saransk, e Sochi, nel periodo compreso tra il 25 maggio ed il 25 luglio 2018, la scadenza per effettuare la procedura di registrazione è stata estesa ad un massimo di tre giorni dalla data di arrivo. Sono tenuti ad ottemperare a tale disposizione tutti i cittadini stranieri, inclusi i lavoratori altamente specializzati, ad eccezione dei partecipanti ai Mondiali di Calcio e agli ufficiali indicati dalla stessa FIFA.

Per maggiori informazioni, Vi invitiamo a consultare il comunicato stampa ufficiale, redatto in lingua inglese:

Following the previous AEB alert concerning the migration registration of foreign citizens during World Cup FIFA – 2018, which was  distributed  last week, we would like to inform you that as a result of numerous efforts by the AEB Migration Committee to improve the migration registration procedure, registration period was extended to three days by the RF Presidential Decree № 214  of  May 12, 2018 “On amendments to the RF Presidential Decree № 202 “The details of specific security measures which have been put in place during the period of the Russia-located events of the FIFA 2018 World Football Championship, and the FIFA 2017 Confederation Cup” of  May 9, 2017 (hereinafter – the Decree).

Therefore, starting from May 25th to July 25th, 2018 (inclusively) in the city areas of Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St Petersburg, Saransk, and Sochi, the migration registration for all foreign citizens regardless of their migration status, including highly-qualified specialists, should be completed within three days  starting from the foreign citizen’s arrival date at the place of stay (or place of residence). The exception is made only for participants of the World Cup and officials determined by FIFA.

Meantime, please be informed that according to the Decree № 214 in addition to the territorial offices of the RF Ministry of internal affairs, the Multifunctional Center for Provision of State and Municipal Services will accept the documents for migration registration of foreign citizens during this period.

We would like to remind you that, the inviting party has to provide 1) a copy of all pages of passport of foreign citizen; 2) copy of migration card, and 3) notification of arrival of foreign citizen to the territory of the Russian Federation to register foreign citizen. As per MVD of Russia, only these documents are needed to complete registration. Thus, any requests of additional documents have no legal basis.

In addition, according to the recommendations of the RF Ministry of internal affairs, foreign citizens arrived in the Russian Federation to the cities of the World Cup FIFA-2018 before May 25, 2018, must also be registered immediately (but anyway not later than on May 25, 2018) with the migration authorities, without waiting for the end of 90 – day period established for the Highly-qualified specialists, or 7- day period – set up for foreign employees working based on a work permit and work visa, etc.

Meantime, please note that the foreign citizens, who are on a business trip in the city of the World Cup FIFA-2018 for less than three days, should not go through the migration registration procedure excluding the cases when a foreign citizen stays in hotel, where he/she is subject to registration anyway.

In case if a foreign employee works and lives in Moscow, but registered in Moscow region at the legal address of the company (inviting party), this foreign employee has to be registered in Moscow at the address of his/her actual place of residence (apartment). Please find attached the note of MVD of Russia. If landlord resides outside Russia or has other reasons when he/she cannot register expatriate, foreign employees accommodated in rented apartments can be registered by a company employing this foreign employee in Russia or can do the registration themselves. In such a case, the following documents should be submitted: rental contract and a document/note confirming that a landlord is not able to register the foreign citizen during this period.

Should you have any questions regarding the migration registration procedure, please contact:

Ksenia Solovieva, Migration Committee Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 ext. 117,;

Anna Arsentyeva, Visa and Work Permit Manager, tel.: +7 495 234 27 64 ext. 135,”